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Why I Love Coaching

I love coaching because I get to support and witness people on their journey. I feel like I love being of service.  When people come into deeply knowing and loving themselves, this is transformation. It's like a homecoming. It's like finding an outfit to wear that allows more comfort and ease than you've ever felt. Even if it feels "weird" to try it on at first. . .  Coaching is my chance to experience someone's transformation. Coaching is about learning your patterns, your moods, your values, your shadows and your light. There is so much to explore in the inner landscape. I love the tools coaching provides to help raise awareness of how our mind is working, how our thoughts are influencing and how we can make choices to empower ourselves through managing our thoughts.  Learning to stay with yourself when it gets uncomfortable is a huge piece in the transformation process. Coaching gives you the opportunity. Our coaching relationship al

How to Boost Your Creativity to Reach Your Goals

Here’s my philosophy about creativity:  Creative energy is within all of us, we just need to make room for it and give ourselves permission to follow it’s wisdom. Us humans have different levels of creativity and we each express it in different ways. My philosophy is just an invitation to see your creativity as an ever-present resource you can tap into more and more. And the more you do, the more you will see positive results, thereby making it continuously easier to enjoy the benefits of your creative energy. Like that happy feeling!  Think about creativity as a style or expression we can all say we value or enjoy or appreciate – which are all positive things.  Imagine feeling the benefits of your creative energy, such as the joy of getting a new idea, or the surprise of a new insight. Imagine the fun of seeing something fitting with something else you didn’t think was possible. And then enjoying the result of the new combination – if anything else, just for the new-shinine

What's Great about Coaching Sessions?

I am asked a lot, “What happens in a coaching session? Why would someone work with a life coach? Should I sign up for a coaching session? What kind of people need a coach? Sometimes people assume a person would be “broken” or “messed up” somehow, leading them to work with a coach.    It’s actually the opposite of those negative concerns. Coaching takes you to your next level.   Maybe you want a career change. Maybe you want a new perspective. Maybe you want better communication in any relationship. Maybe you want to hit the “reset button” in a situation. Maybe you just need a boost in some area of your life/work. These are great reasons for a coaching session.  I have studied and learned through multiple trainings how to move you forward and take you into a greater version of yourself.   A coaching session is designed for  you to understand and apply whatever is needed to fulfill your desires.  Why do coaches offer a single session at no charge?    Over the years,

Defining Your Own Spirituality

I've discovered Spirituality is often what each person believes it to be. Since each person's perception of spirituality can change over and over again, defining it is a little tricky. Each person's definition is correct for their own personal understanding.   I'm a bottom-line kind of coach - so I'm going for WHY we define spirituality for ourselves in the first place.  The answer is : WELLNESS.  Everything we want in our life is based on wellness. Spirituality and Wellness are linked. Let's define spirituality for ourselves and feel good!  Here are some examples of definitions.  See what resonates with you.  "Spirituality is a connected feeling:  Connected deeply to myself and connected to something larger than myself." Spirituality is the feeling of the presence and essence of God during every day of my life.  Spirituality is a way of healing, inspiration and growth in liing one's life.  It can include drawing on the depth of one

Dark Days to Major Blessings: Make the Most of the Holidays.

The holiday season has officially begun with Happy Hanukkah yesterday, and even though we are technically still in the last several days of autumn, it feels like we've already entered into Winter with the days getting shorter and darker.  Winter Solstice is December 20th, then Christmas then New Year's! Do you add any personal or family holidays to that list?  ​​​​Now we have a new opportunity to embrace the darkness.   While the holiday buzz fills our lives, we are still settling into the darkness even if we try to deny it or frantically move through it. We are flowing with nature regardless. . . so why not invoke this organic part of our nature?  The winter-holiday-darkness-time is truly a season of major blessings - available only if you let yourself lean into it with an open heart. (Rather than getting caught up in the year-end rush of "everything", or even getting caught up in negative judgements of too-cold, or too-dark, or commercialism, or family

My 10 Principles to Love Your Life

My TEN Principles to LOVE YOUR LIFE 1. Trust your gut always.  Meaning NEVER give in to self DOUBT. . . I'd rather make a mistake trusting my gut, than not trusting it.  2. Own your fear.   Meaning take responsibility for being fearful instead of acting like you are fine, or good, or cool. . . I'd rather receive the strength that comes from absolute honesty regarding fears than miss jumping into freedom by editing myself.   3. Trust actions not words.  Meaning, people show you who they are louder than their stories about who they are. . . I'd rather feel confident with someone by walking the talk than talking the walk.    4. Make your #1 priority on HEALTH.   Meaning feeling good is the foundation for everything.  I'd rather be grateful for EVERYTHING than not feeling good enough to enjoy anything.  5. When in doubt, ask: "is this toward my inspiring future OR toward stuck in the past?"   Meaning, choose to see what moves you

Summer Your Dreams!

What is your favorite way to make the most of summertime?  Each season brings unique opportunities for our personal growth.  Winter might bring you deeper inside yourself, as you take time to slow down, stay warm, and reflect in the shorter days. Spring and Summer might bring your soul toward outward expression, seeing more of who you are in action or in response to light and energy and warmth. Summer has a feeling of "time off".  Winter has a feeling of "hunkering down".   How you embrace or resist parts of each season is a reflection of how you embrace or resist other key areas of your life. There is much to learn about yourself through raising awareness in the different seasonal energies.  How will you fully express your SUMMER?  Everything is fresh in summertime. Food is fresh, living is easier or cleaner or simpler. Sunshine is abundant and activates the playful side. Summertime can be an intermission for the whole year - a time for a break or refreshm