Do You Wish Life Was Easier?

Why do we believe that doing more and doing it faster is the way to be?
You can make a private choice - in your own best interest - to slow down. Make it easy means to just choose ONE THING. One small start to slowing things down. This is you, building an easier life. 

Here are 4 choices that will create new habits. 
Pretty soon you'll be on auto-pilot enjoying your new-found state of ease. 

ONE:  Be deliberate and mindful. 

Slow yourself down physically. Choose to make your movements slower. It’s fun to practice this skill by “mindful eating.” What if you ate a piece of fruit in the slowest way possible? Practice chewing slowly, breathing between bites, savoring flavors. All the benefits you discover in this practice are transferable to everything you do elsewhere in your life.

TWO:  Focus on doing one thing at a time. 

Do you feel depleted when you do too much and make mistakes? Cherish and protect your mental resources by “taking it easy” one step at a time.

THREE:  Eliminate one distraction at a time. 

Schedule time to be unplugged from technology, phones or TV. What would make your environment more peaceful?  What would support your desire to feel ease? 

FOUR: Stop and reflect. 

Did you do everything the way you wanted to? Do you feel complete? 
You can make it a habit to ask yourself, “Do I feel complete? Or do I need anything else before I move on to the next thing?”
Take time to do things consciously. Allow for more enjoyment by moving slower. 

I challenge you to take action on just one of these new habits. But first, do you notice any resistance to these suggestions? Are you fearful that “slowing it down” will sabotage you in some way? Are you wondering if it really works? 

These are all reasonable concerns, and until you take the risk of changing your behaviors or choices, you will never know what is possible.

Click here to explore how these questions apply to your personal scenario.  


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