
Showing posts from December, 2016

Three Ways Creativity = Motivation

Your Creativity = Motivation: How to Use it Wisely   I like to ask questions that bring out an interesting response. Frankly, I’m easily bored with the routine answers to the question, “how are you doing?” To get past meaningless social interactions, I try to ask a question to inspire interesting thoughts, or possibly lead into a more exciting conversation, or at best bring out  a feel-good moment with the other person. I always find that compelling questions result in more memorable exchanges that matter. Here is my favorite question to invite an engaging conversation:  “How’s Your CREATIVITY?” Yes, I like to stir things up. I like to engage people on a different level or an unusual angle.  Since creativity is one of my favorite topics, I like to set myself up for a more delightful exploration or exchange with others. Use Creative Thinking to Improve Conversations Being asked about your creativity is a unique experience for MOST people. It opens a door.