
Showing posts from June, 2018

Summer Your Dreams!

What is your favorite way to make the most of summertime?  Each season brings unique opportunities for our personal growth.  Winter might bring you deeper inside yourself, as you take time to slow down, stay warm, and reflect in the shorter days. Spring and Summer might bring your soul toward outward expression, seeing more of who you are in action or in response to light and energy and warmth. Summer has a feeling of "time off".  Winter has a feeling of "hunkering down".   How you embrace or resist parts of each season is a reflection of how you embrace or resist other key areas of your life. There is much to learn about yourself through raising awareness in the different seasonal energies.  How will you fully express your SUMMER?  Everything is fresh in summertime. Food is fresh, living is easier or cleaner or simpler. Sunshine is abundant and activates the playful side. Summertime can be an intermission for the whole year - a time for a break or refreshm

Why I Love Coaching

I love coaching because I get to support and witness people on their journey. I feel like I love being of service.  When people come into deeply knowing and loving themselves, this is transformation. It's like a homecoming. It's like finding an outfit to wear that allows more comfort and ease than you've ever felt. Even if it feels "weird" to try it on at first. . .  Coaching is my chance to experience someone's transformation. Coaching is about learning your patterns, your moods, your values, your shadows and your light. There is so much to explore in the inner landscape. I love the tools coaching provides to help raise awareness of how our mind is working, how our thoughts are influencing and how we can make choices to empower ourselves through managing our thoughts.  Learning to stay with yourself when it gets uncomfortable is a huge piece in the transformation process. Coaching gives you the opportunity. Our coaching relationship al