Dark Days to Major Blessings: Make the Most of the Holidays.

The holiday season has officially begun with Happy Hanukkah yesterday, and even though we are technically still in the last several days of autumn, it feels like we've already entered into Winter with the days getting shorter and darker. 
Winter Solstice is December 20th, then Christmas then New Year's! Do you add any personal or family holidays to that list? 
​​​​Now we have a new opportunity to embrace the darkness. 
While the holiday buzz fills our lives, we are still settling into the darkness even if we try to deny it or frantically move through it. We are flowing with nature regardless. . . so why not invoke this organic part of our nature? 
The winter-holiday-darkness-time is truly a season of major blessings - available only if you let yourself lean into it with an open heart. (Rather than getting caught up in the year-end rush of "everything", or even getting caught up in negative judgements of too-cold, or too-dark, or commercialism, or family dramas or wounds from the past. . . . )

What could possibly be the benefit of this darkness?  
  • You get a nice release/letting go of whatever you don't need anymore. 
  • You get to be with yourself at a whole new level. 
  • You get a new understanding of your energy and desires from WITHIN. 

Now is the most opportune time to stand up for your FUTURE SELF and clear any level of clutter in the way. Don't forget emotional clutter. Mindset clutter. Old beliefs clutter. This is purposeful since you'll want to embrace the light when it comes, by owning your power now. 
Darkness time is right on for planting the seeds that evolve your future growth. It's a beautiful part of an unchangeable cycle. I think this is partly why we naturally begin the excitement of planning our "new year". 
The best way to take advantage of this part in our seasonal cycle is to look for what you most want to shed or get out of your way FOR GOOD. And to make this effective, you want to have clarity for what you want in the new year, what passions you will share and what part of your purpose you will express.  What are you doing (what actions will you take?) to support yourself during this important work? 
Want to explore further? Ask about my Special Holiday Coaching Package. 
Schedule a complimentary Discovery Session with me. 


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