
Showing posts from April, 2019

Defining Your Own Spirituality

I've discovered Spirituality is often what each person believes it to be. Since each person's perception of spirituality can change over and over again, defining it is a little tricky. Each person's definition is correct for their own personal understanding.   I'm a bottom-line kind of coach - so I'm going for WHY we define spirituality for ourselves in the first place.  The answer is : WELLNESS.  Everything we want in our life is based on wellness. Spirituality and Wellness are linked. Let's define spirituality for ourselves and feel good!  Here are some examples of definitions.  See what resonates with you.  "Spirituality is a connected feeling:  Connected deeply to myself and connected to something larger than myself." Spirituality is the feeling of the presence and essence of God during every day of my life.  Spirituality is a way of healing, inspiration and growth in liing one's life.  It can include drawing on the depth of one