How to Boost Your Creativity to Reach Your Goals

Here’s my philosophy about creativity:  Creative energy is within all of us, we just need to make room for it and give ourselves permission to follow it’s wisdom. Us humans have different levels of creativity and we each express it in different ways. My philosophy is just an invitation to see your creativity as an ever-present resource you can tap into more and more. And the more you do, the more you will see positive results, thereby making it continuously easier to enjoy the benefits of your creative energy. Like that happy feeling! 

Think about creativity as a style or expression we can all say we value or enjoy or appreciate – which are all positive things.  Imagine feeling the benefits of your creative energy, such as the joy of getting a new idea, or the surprise of a new insight. Imagine the fun of seeing something fitting with something else you didn’t think was possible. And then enjoying the result of the new combination – if anything else, just for the new-shininess of it.  Can you imagine being on a roll with something where you lose track of negative thoughts and just enjoy “losing yourself in the process”? That’s full out creative energy and you can always experience this whether relating to others, whether making something, whether solving a problem, raising children or doing tasks of daily life like cooking or cleaning.  Yes, there’s creative energy behind almost anything. The more you recognize it, you are making room for it to fill in around you even more. In other words, pay attention to it and it grows. 

How to FEEL creative anywhere at any time. 

What a great skill to have, right? Our FEELINGS are always a result of what we are thinking about, or believing, or telling ourselves. So start right there, with your THOUGHTS.  If you want to FEEL creative, ask yourself what story would you tell yourself about your situation. Let’s say you are sitting at your desk with writer’s block. Nothing is coming, you’re stuck and you’re beginning to even question your ability to make progress on your writing project at all. 
Your thoughts are likely in the negativity zone, and you’re probably doubting or criticizing yourself all kinds of ways. . . INSTEAD, choose a thought that literally makes you feel creative. Be basic. Example: “In my childhood I came up with all sorts of wild things.” Or, “I love the creative way I do my bedtime routine.” Whatever is a true thought you can entertain. Next just sit there and think about it. Come back to similar thoughts every time your brain wanders into the negativity zone (because it will). 

Here’s the key:  when you notice you start to feel the creative energy happening as a result of your new thinking, SMILE ABOUT IT. Literally bask in it for that moment!  It’s like you are collecting small nuggets that snowball into your unleashed creative power.  Here’s a bonus tool:  You can bypass being stuck in zero creativity by looking at the RESULT you’re getting right now. Ask yourself, “What result would I be getting that would make me feel creative RIGHT NOW?”  Maybe you just need to re-frame the actual results happening instead of sabotaging yourself with criticism for results you’re afraid you might never reach. . . (likely not) but do you see how that’s a set up for the negativity zone as well?  Example:  You’re hoping to come up with a best-seller that will open doors for you and instead you’ve got a pile of half-baked topics and several pages of rambling content. . . . now you must name your results in a way that has you feeling creative.  

Can you imagine being exactly where you need to be? Can you see that you are getting breakthrough results one step at a time? One jumbled pile at a time? This focus on feeling positive about your results generates your trust for a new direction. Right? Naming your results in this way of feeling good about them will definitely change your ability to feel more creative. 

How to dive deeper into your creativity. 

Endless reserves of creative energy can feed your soul, uplift you and fuel your goals. These reserves are absolutely available for you at all times.  To dive deeper simply requires removing a block or two. It’s about not allowing anything to be in the way of your fullest access. 

The top block to creative energy is FEAR.

Yup. That’s it! There can be many others, but they all sift down into fear. 
I’m the coach who is all about going to the core and working smart from there, so let’s address the bottom line of how FEAR is blocking your creativity. 

Use everything you’ve learned about overcoming fears. Bring to mind the lessons of not paying attention to fears, not letting fear run your life.  Pay attention to the wisdom of using your fearful energy to take positive actions. . . these are the lessons you need to dive deeper into creativity. This is simply how it works. 

Acknowledge that your creativity WILL take you into wild untamed and uncertain arenas and that you can fully trust yourself no matter what. I love this quote: “Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway.”  Make room for your creative self and it WILL be there when you need it. 

Discover your creativity archetype. 

This is my favorite exercise to do working with my clients. Go within and imagine the part of you FULLY lit up with creative energy. Visualize yourself as abundantly creative in every way.  No limits, no concerns, just imagining this part of you who IS the fullest expression of creativity coming into the spotlight so you can see and inspect everything about them. How are you dressed? What do you look like, how do you move, what talking style do you have? 
Next, just describe this part of yourself using 2 or 3 qualities. 

My personal example is the quality of “WHIMSICAL” which feels playful to me. Once you choose ONE quality, think of a name starting with the same initial letter. Mine would be Wilma or Wanda. . . I chose Wanda because I like wands!  So my archetype is “Whimsical Wanda” and she is powerfully an aspect of myself I can call on at any time to fill up with creative energy. I can dialogue with her, I can ask her for advice, I can download her energy into my projects, I can let her be my muse.  This is a powerful tool and easy to build on over time. 

How to OWN your creative energy and build a stronger relationship with your creative side. 

In summary, we’re clear about our abundant creativity as an ever-present resource within. We can choose thoughts that make us feel creative.  We can assess our current results in ways that activate our creative energy. We have the tools to turn fear into courage in order to make room for more creativity. We can own the aspect of ourselves MOST qualified to support our desire for more creativity. And we can now empower ourselves to enjoy more and more creativity.  

How would you build a stronger relationship with a new friend you were so excited about? Take the exact same steps:  Spend time with it. Do nice things for it. Make room in your life for it. Don’t be afraid of it or the changes in your life as a result of it. Open your heart to it. Write a thank you note to it. Do fun things with it. 

You got this. 
Love, "Whimsical Wanda"

Want to take your own deep dive using these tools? Info on my website:


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