Find Peace Amidst Chaos

Over the weekend I took some quiet time in my back yard. I looked around and asked, "What do I need to hear?"  

I felt like a wash of warm goodness to just sit and REMEMBER.  
To feel connection with a sense of peace, goodness and the sense that everything is right. 

Does this kind of disconnect happen to you? 

I'm describing an experience where we get going so fast and so busy and then when we find a moment to relax or something happens to bring on a moment of connection with source, and SNAP! The warmth of peace feels so nourishing. 

How smart would it be to do what it takes to experience more of this in our lives. More frequently. For ourselves. Consistently. 
You can absolutely reach the worthy goal to "Find Peace Amidst Chaos." 

Here's my favorite list of words to describe "Chaos".
Notice if you can relate to any of these states:


Want to transform your own chaos into peace? 
Take action on this exercise:

Make a list of words to describe the opposite of each of the words listed above. 

Your list defines your own personal description of the "PEACE" you will find. 
Post this list on your desk and allow it to re-direct your thoughts toward the experiences you want to have, rather than getting stuck.


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